Week 1 Bubble Wrap Bubble Wrap Skirt
This week being the first of many, I imagined getting inspired to be easy! In reality, it took some intense focus and soul searching to build up the confidence to commit to a direction. The idea of printing with bubble wrap had been on my mind since I read about the upcoming Art and Ale classes, but what color? I am very much a pink person, so I took my white acrylic paint and my childrens red and yellow tempura paints and created a salmon pink. The resulting print resembled an animal print or fish scales and I could see it being very effective for creating a cheetah print in brown or black.
The design of a bubble skirt followed quite naturally as no pattern is required, just a few measurements and cuts. I played around with the geometry of the layout to give the skirt some fullness and a waist band. I was left with a rectangle of unused fabric, which worked perfectly for pockets. After some discussion with my husband about the design and its direction, he pointed out the double entendre, and the bubble skirt became a wrap!

The construction process was relatively simple, the pockets were sewn in first, then I machine gathered the top layer of the skirt. On my body form, I pinned the box pleats with my favorite pink pearl pins, then attached the waist band.
The skirt turned out to be a fun and flirty start
to my zero waste project! I realize a yard of fabric does not go as far
as I would have expected it to, since the resulting length of this skirt leaves
little to the imagination.
None-the-less, this skirt is the combination of a few great ideas. If I doubt the path that I am on, I can
find encouragement in the world reflected around me. I say this because I am sure as I was sewing this, my friend at Bubblegum Sass was posting her blog about
printing with bubble wrap. These coincidences or little
repetitions of ideas surround me and I am reminded how we are all connected,
artistically and energetically.
Please follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!
I am that I am.
Awesome to see how you used this fabric, Kerri! I'd say your first week was a success. Style and sustainability can be friends ;-)