Week 15 Infinity Scarves

Fashion is a funny thing. I don't know if I will ever really be able to understand why I am so passionate about it. This past week I read a few great articles about "Anything but sustainable fashion" that have really got my mind spinning.

As I sort through the arguments in my mind about whether ecofashion or, dare I say, sustainable fashion exists, I come to realize that I may have lost the meaning of fashion to me, altogether. This quote from Orsola de Castro has had a profound effect on me;
"So you get out of college, you start your own label, and you cut carefully because fabrics are expensive: we now call that ‘zero waste’. You reuse every scrap and remnant from one year and one season to the next: we now call that ‘up-cycling’. You spend all night sewing your collection: we now call that ‘artisanal’.
The reality is that the industry completely lost touch with its main values ever since it’s only been about rapid growth, mass production, fast fashion, and disposable luxury. It so detached from its origin that it then had to go and create a shit name so that people could be stigmatised. The reality is that sustainable fashion really is fashion. It’s everything else that isn’t sustainable that should be called as such. Choose whichever name you like the least, such as ‘unethical fashion’ or ‘unsustainable fashion’ to describe the way that the industry operates."
The thought process that followed after reading the above statement got long and confusing for me, so I won't bore you with the details. The take away is simple, like these mommy and daughter infinity scarves, just have fun with fashion! I couldn't have chosen a simpler pattern to use with one yard of fabric than this and the result, I think is pretty cute. I am digging ever deeper into my design aesthetic, enjoying every opportunity to act on a creative idea, and learning more about myself and the journey that so many have taken before me.
P.S. Possibly the best thing I learned this week, is how to undo a mistaken paste on my iPhone. Believe it or not, you shake it like you are freaking out, and then the option appears to Cancel or Undo! Thank goodness!!
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