Close the Gap On Lack
Wayne Dyer would ask “how can I serve?”, yet the mantra that
has directed me the most clearly through difficult times has been “what is the
best for me, is the best for everyone.” So I have to remember to stop and first
ask myself “am I doing this for me?” I recognize now, how saying these words
help to shift my focus back to a positive and desirable outcome, invoking the Law
of Attraction in the best possible way. It
is a good reminder, particularly as a writer to refocus my thoughts towards an
idea, one of helping me remember what it is that I am learning, so that I have
the clarity and the understanding to first write about it then to be able to –
eventually – teach others what I have learned.
It is my understanding that when
it comes to Law of Attraction, you can only influence you. You are not able to
influence the outcome of others. You have to practice looking at the world
completely because of what you have thought about. So even when others show up
in your life worried and complaining about their child’s participation in extracurricular
activities for instance, you can only take responsibility for that conversation finding its
way to you. You might at first want to tell them to change their thoughts on
the subject, think better things about how they imagine their child participating or imagine a positive interaction with
their child once the activity is done. But the irony is that what you tell them
is of no consequence to them, since it is your point of attraction that has brought this conversation to you. You have to change your thoughts about the
conversations you want to have with others in general. If you would rather have
more deep and meaningful conversations about how our thoughts create our reality rather than hearing someone complain, you need to imagine already having had
Since everything becomes a reflection of what you have going on as your point
of attraction, it can and will only be about you always. But once you recognize
this, you also simultaneously recognize that you or I or the individual self is
part of a greater whole that is universal consciousness. There is no
distinguishing between the singular ”I” and the oneness of creation. This is
for another book, at another time.
So what am I learning today? To close the gap on lack. That is what I woke
from meditation thinking about, how goals generally indicate lack. They are
future thought, not present moment. It is a tricky disguise they wear since
they look exciting and they propel us forward. But in their essence, goals
remind you quietly what you don’t have and they make you question how you are
going to get them. This is all seems to go against what the practice of Law of
Attraction is, in that when you are inspired to desire something, we are taught
to practice the feeling of already having it and let the universe work out the
details of how it is going to come to you. This might drive an organized person
crazy telling them not to think about the where, what and when of how their
new idea is going to be fulfilled.
Do you
have to change your personality to believe in Law of Attraction? Well no, but
Law of Attraction will echo your thoughts about where you are at this moment
and if in this moment you feel that you are lacking because you have not yet
achieved your goal despite all your efforts, then you will continue to feel
lack in the next moment because that is what you have set yourself up to see in
the world around you. For instance, I have been reading The Secret and last night I
came to chapter on weight loss titled The Secret and Your Body. It was very differently formatted than the rest
of the book so far. In previous chapters, there have been numerous comments
from various voices woven together by the narrator on certain themes, yet in
this chapter, the voice is strictly the narrators.
Her words on weight loss
very much echoed my own struggle. I was surprise at myself as I read this. I had not yet applied the knowledge I have about the Law of Attraction to my own personal body image. “The
first thing to know is that if you focus on losing weight, you will attract
back having to lose weight, so get ‘having to lose weight’ out of your mind.” I
have been so focused on losing weight since both of my pregnancies that I
was actively conscious of how overweight I was. With every meal that I ate and
every activity that I did, I was logging them into my phone app to help me reach my weight loss goal. I was putting in the effort to change my behaviors and my eating
habits but I had overlooked the most obvious change that needed to happen, my
thoughts. As Rhonda Byrne put it, I was thinking “fat thoughts, and it became
my experience”. Now I know that I can let go of those limiting thoughts that I
literally have been holding on to as “baby fat” and imagine myself as my ideal
weight. I can trust that I will be this weight and maintain it easily,
appreciating my body, my activities and enjoying the food I eat along the way.
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