What Is Your Path of Least Resistance?

“A decision without action is just a thought, and while thoughts can be helpful, they won’t have as powerful an impact on your brain. A decision with action is something else entirely: it’s a robust way to start an upward spiral.” This and the other quotes in this post come from the book The Upward Spiral, Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time by Alex Korb, PhD.

In preface to what this post is about, I am more than pleasantly surprised how well the scientific findings in his book correlate to the learning that I have had since studying the Law of Attraction. By looking at the scientific explanation for what is going on in an individuals brain while navigating complex thought, it has shifted my perspective just enough to be able to view what I know about Law of Attraction with much more clarity. I am amazed how these moments come about but I am pleased to be able to share them with you as they come!

So back to the quote above. This arises from a discussion about how different types of thoughts have a different effect on our brains and the resulting chemistry.  Decisive thought compared to worry create two very different outcomes for the individual. They are like two opposite ends of thought where one counteracts the other.

“Once a decision is made, the prefrontal cortex organizes your actions to achieve that goal. It accomplishes this by more effectively managing the resources the brain has at its disposal.” Alex Korb.  This is fundamental or runs parallel to what Abraham Hicks speaks about. Her premise is that you get as happy as you can and let inspired thoughts (recognized by your prefrontal cortex) call you to action. 

It would seem that when you are facing some form of resistance, like doubt or worry, it inhibits your prefrontal cortex to organize your actions in the way that serves you best.  But when you are able to let go of resistance, you find clarity, which is when the prefrontal cortex is working at its optimum. 

The presentation of the same discussion from different perspectives is an interesting one. Depending on what language or definitions we are most comfortable with, we can choose to “get on board’ with the path that pleases us the most. The desired outcomes are the same, but the resistance to the language that we feel, is lessened, on the path we choose. It is interesting because Abraham often speaks about choosing the path of least resistance. Again, I often interpreted this literally, like drive on the road where there is the least amount of traffic. But in this sense, the path of least resistance is applied to thoughts, or to a belief system.

So when Abraham Hicks speaks about the Universe lining up for you, you just have to be open to receive, she is in parallel thought to what neuroscientists describe as setting a goal. It is just the language and description of events that differ. According to neuroscience “when you make a decision, the prefrontal cortex helps you ignore irrelevant distraction and focus on completing a goal.” Alex Korb. 

Whereas Abraham Hicks might describe the same situation as aligning with source to be inspired to take multiple actions that lead you to your desire. The details of the goal, how you feel towards it, be it lack or abundance, determine the ease or the difficulty that the action you take will be in order to achieve it. 

If you are wired up to believe that you have to work hard to achieve success, then that will be part of the program that your brain decides is appropriate action. But if you are looking for success and believe that it can be enjoyable every step of the way, your brain will find pleasure in the actions it chooses for you. Knowing this difference can set you on a path of least resistance.

In short Abraham Hicks and other Law of Attraction experts, teach you to clear away resistant thoughts to allow for your desires to flow into your life along a path that feels like ease, a path that is satisfying. In comparison, neuroscience describes the functioning of the brain and the positive effects that setting a goal and taking action towards that goal have on an individual. 

Neuroscience does acknowledge that resistance thoughts, like worry, tend to disrupt action and that any thought will gather momentum in a specific direction, be it positive or negative. But by chemical forces at work, making any decision, followed by action, will propel a person on a more positive path. 

Other beliefs that might slow down progress towards a goal are considered circuitry, which can be "rewired" according to neuroscience. But this is not the primary focus, rather it is just an explanation of what is physically happening in the brain. These other beliefs don't make it impossible, but achieving your goal or desire would come with much more effort and action and the process might not feel as good if your thoughts were clearer from the get go. Where as Law of Attraction goes one step further and tries to clear the mind of these false beliefs that might make success more difficult.

So when you apply the path of least resistance to your thoughts, or to a belief system, you might be more inclined to accept the scientific understanding of achieving a goal. Or maybe you feel more aligned with the beliefs the Law of Attraction present to attain your desires. But however you are most comfortable with the language and the descriptions, the fundamental idea is that positive thought, leads to positive action. Bringing you one step closer to achieving your dreams.

Thanks for reading.



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