Week 27 How often can we say "Supermoon Lunar Eclipse?"

At the end of last week's write up I challenged myself to push my boundaries and reach out of my comfort zone. This week, in the end, the challenges that arose pushed me unexpectedly.
I revisited the Men's short pattern I used recently, and continued to explore more relaxed men's wear patterns. Challenging what is typically a woman's style, I ask, "can men's pants have a roll over, yoga style, waist band?"  

 I took this opportunity to naturally dye this yard of fabric plus some additional linen jersey with onion skins. The color took fast and was a very successful dye. But the challenge quickly became "what do you design that is stunning, or at least suitable, in this resulting colour?"

In the final hours to photograph and write a post that has some appeal, I think about something I read earlier, "In my quest towards sustainable living and to do more meaningful work, I also have become more authentic."  I ask myself, how authentic am I? And I am able to find inspiration in that. 

I am that I am. 


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